Musings of a Swag Chick

Welcome to my blog! Working, Working, Working. I hope you all appreciate me. ;-)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, January 1, 2007

Alarm goes off at 8AM. During the night my phone flooded with messages of New Years wishes. Hey, some of us aren’t awake after midnight. This is our first attempt to pee in the portable potty. We met with success. No one peed in the bed. We are now off to Canton, OH to camp at the KOA. Jimmy drives and I decide to lay in the back and chill. Now I love my baby F350 but she’s no Prevost as far as the ride goes in the back of the truck. Or maybe NY should actually do something with our toll money, like fix the roads or maybe pick up some trash. As we drive I miss the photo op of Loudonville, OH, (my home town is Loudonville, NY.) maybe next time.
We pull in to the campground as the sun is going down. Scrambling to get our power plugged in, set up the propane stove to make some soup so we can settle in for the night. My little DeLonghi heater, heats up the back of the truck in no time and with 1200 lbs of blankets we are in for another warm night. I figure I will cut Jimmy a break and read for the first night. There will be plenty of TV to watch later, yes I have my TV in the truck (I am a junky). Between all the primetime shows and General Hospital tapes coming my way he will be a raving lunatic by March. I’m reading the 4th of July by James Patterson, great book. Already halfway through, better slow down or I won’t have anything to read. Time for bed.


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